A group of more than two dozen teachers walking down a typical historic New Orleans street towards the camera.

Empowering Teachers: Humanities Council Supports New Louisiana Social Studies Standards    

Since 1982, the Federation has awarded the Schwartz Prize to up to three humanities councils for outstanding work in the public humanities each year. In this series, we are profiling the winners of … Read more

Humanities for the Holidays

The holiday season is an important time for making meaning and bonding with friends, families, and neighbors over the diverse cultures and holiday traditions celebrated across the country. Each year, … Read more

Black Roots: Everett Fly Delivers Frederick Law Olmsted Lecture at Harvard University

“Bit by bit, I was able to find enough documentation on thirty or forty Black communities, including Tuskegee, Alabama; Mound Bayou, Mississippi; Hobson City, Alabama; and Eatonville, Florida. I collected enough to submit a coherent paper and thought I had proved my point—that African Americans had even built towns,” Fly said. Read on to learn more about “American Cultural Landscapes: Black Roots and Treasures.”