Advocating for
our nation’s humanities councils
to increase investment and engagement in our national network. Supporting, connecting, and amplifying the work and voices of our members.
Photo credit: Kirk Hirota,
Humanities Washington.
Our members tell the stories of our shared human experience, strengthen communities, and help bridge divides.
Making Meaning: Why Humanities Matter
Listen to our podcast exploring the role the humanities have played during the pandemic and in our recovery across the United States. Subscribe to the season and listen to all six episodes!
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Now more than ever the humanities councils are needed to support their communities. See how you can play a part in this nationwide effort!
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Together we can use the humanities to help us make sense of the world.

Empowering Teachers: Humanities Council Supports New Louisiana Social Studies Standards
Since 1982, the Federation has awarded the Schwartz Prize to up to three humanities councils for outstanding work in the public humanities each year. In this series, we are profiling the winners of … Read more

Humanities for the Holidays
The holiday season is an important time for making meaning and bonding with friends, families, and neighbors over the diverse cultures and holiday traditions celebrated across the country. Each year, … Read more

Recap: 2024 National Humanities Conference
On behalf of the Federation of State Humanities Councils and the National Humanities Alliance, thank you to everyone who attended the conference! It’s always wonderful to see public humanities professionals coming … Read more